英文自我介绍MBA英文自我介绍关于简历 Framwork(格式)1. Basic information (prsonal data)Nam sx marital status halth dat of birth addrss phon numbrs mail addrss2. carr objctiv3. ducation background4. working xprinc【注意】3、4两项的内容都是按照由近及远、由高到低的次序进行排列。5. prsonal qualitis6 languag proficincy7. computr litracy8 intrsts and hobbis&#
61548; A layout(样本)Rsum of (your nam)Addrss (strt, city, provinc, post cod)Sx Birth DatHom Phon Offic PhonMobil Phon mail AddrssMarital statusID Card NumbrWorking History按时间From 1998to2002 Position: assistant to th chif managrNam and Plac of th work unit: ABC CompanyRsponsibility: compild rports for th chif nginr onproductionAchivmnts:按职务ditor:timplacrsponsibilityachivmntsaccountant:timplacrsponsibilityachivmnts按工作性质computr opration:timplacrsponsibilityachivmntscomputr systm planningtimplacrsponsibilityachivmntsprsonnl suprvisortimplacrsponsibilityachivmntsducationFrom to Acadmic Dgr: B.A rcivd in July 1983Nam and Plac of th Univrsity: Bijing UnivrsityMajor: managmntMinor: nglishHonors, awards and achivmnts: arnd acadmic scholarship, 2 yars, top tn graduatsActivitis: litrary club, scrtaryPublishd two paprsAmong th prtinnt courss takn ar:Public FinancTchnical QualificationsFrom to (crtificat rcivd)From to (crtificat rcivd)From to (crtificat rcivd)Prsonal QualitisLanguag ProficincyComputr LitracyHobbis and Intrsts 简历中常用动词1. achivd sals incras by 15%2. acquird nough xprinc for ….3. actd as intrprtr for th last 5 yars4. attndd all ths mtings, and assistd th projct managr to mak financial dcision5. coopratd a projct for a fast food rstaurant6. compltd th ngotiation and achivd sals incras by %7. conductd a sminar8. controlld th budg9. coordinatd oprations of a hotl with managr10. cratd a good imag for Co11. dvlopd markting skills by working as a salsman for yars12. dvisd a systm which could simplify working procss13. dirctd a staff of tn in producing th nwspapr and slling it14. xprincd in oprations of …15. gaind rtail xprinc including th markting rsarch16. handld public rlations17. hlpd coordinat opration of a computr company18. improvd fficincy of work and rducd its xpnss19. initiatd and carrid out a rsarch projct to valuat th trad markt20. srvd as an assistant managr in a world-famous chain stor21. suprvisd 6 prson rsarch tam for 5 yars22. workd on yar as a … 简历中涉及到的语法问题1. 将所有第一人称代词从简历中拿掉(I, w, m, my), 当然更不能用第三人称代词。2. 冠词:简历当中不需要冠词,例如:应写rtraind staff而不是rtraind th staff3. 助动词:简历当中不需要助动词,所以,应该写managd 而不是hav managd
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