小学生英语小作文:Fstival of LantrnsI spnt th Fstival of Lantrns with my grandparnts this yar. My family wnt to my grandparnts' hom and had dinnr with thm. W had lots of swtdumplins. Aftr th dinnr, my grandparnts and I wnt out to play firworks. W had a vry good tim togthr.我今年元宵节是和我姥姥姥爷过的。 我爸爸妈妈和我都去了姥姥家, 和他们一起吃了晚餐。 我们吃了很多元宵。 晚餐过后,我们一起出去放花。 我们在一起过得很愉快
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