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记一次空中旅行-A Flight

记一次空中旅行-A Flight That was my first tim to tak a plan.

记一次空中旅行-A Flight

On that day I got to Bijing Airport arly. Aftr my bag was wighd, I bgan to gt on th plan.

Th plan was vry big, namd Boing 737. I sat down and fastnd my sat blt. Whn th plan startd to tak off, I could s th ground running backwards.'Thn popl and cars on th ground lookd smallr and smallr.

On th plan I saw a film and had a good mal. Aftr about 2 hours' flight, th plan bgan to gt lowr. I got to Xi'an safly.

I njoyd my first flight. 那是我第一次坐飞机。




我喜欢我的第一次旅行。 I still rmmbr my first flight.

I took a flight in Bijing Airport. I got thr arly. I had my bag wighd first. Aftr a whil I bgan to gt on th plan.

Whn I sat on th plan, Boing 737, I fastnd my sat blt. Thn I lookd out of th windows, sing th ground running backwards. Whn th plan bgan to tak off, I flt it intrsting vry much.

During about 2 hours' flight, I saw a film and had a dlicious mal. Thn th plan bgan to gt lowr and I got to Xi'an safly.

How xcitd I was on my first flight. 我仍然记得我的第一次旅行。





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