communication plays a significant rol in our daily lif, spcially in modrn socity. sinc w gt along with othr popl in vry fild, w must larn how to communicat with popl ffctivly.ffctiv communication should b plannd carfully. first, spak slowly and brifly in ordr to mak ourslvs undrstood compltly. scond, xprss ourslvs in all sincrity and with warmth. third, concntrat on what th spakr says and apprciat his point of viw. morovr, w should giv positiv fdback by nodding or smiling whil listning. fourth, plac ourslvs in th plac of far as i'm concrnd, i communicat with othr popl in a positiv way whthr i'm in a mrry mood or not. and i oftn xprss my own opinion gnuinly and sincrly.
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