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给妈妈的生日礼物(Birthday Presents for My Mother)

给妈妈的生日礼物(Birthday Prsnts for My Mothr)today is my mothr's birthday. my fathr and i wantd to giv hr surprising birthday prsnts.in th morning w wnt to th shop and bought a big cak. thn w wnt to th markt and bought som food that mothr likd vry much. aftr gtting hom, w bgan to prpar our prsnts. fathr wnt into th kitchn to prpar a big mal whil i wnt into my room to mak a birthday card. i drw thr rabbits biggst on was ating grass whil th othr two wr playing happily undr a big tr. to tll you th truth, it was my family bcaus all of us wr born in th yar of rabbit.it was almost 12 o'clock. th dlicious food on th tabl mad my mouth watr. vrything was rady. w satd ourslvs at th tabl, waiting for my mothr. whn w hardth sound of opning th door, w hid bhind th door and chrd, "happy birthday!" as soon as mothr cam in.mothr was satd at th tabl and i showd hr my prsnt. sh lookd at it and smild. "hav a tast of th dlicious food. it was mad by fathr himslf."i said. mothr lookd at my fathr and m, picking up hr chopsticks.how happy w wr!

给妈妈的生日礼物(Birthday Presents for My Mother)


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