通知-Notic,通知-Notic范文通知-Notic 英语作文网为您收集 An nglish Christmas vning party is to b hld in th mting hall of our school from 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. on Christmas v. ach group has to giv at last two prformancs, such as singing nglish songs, giving nglish plays, tlling joks or storis in nglish and rading nglish poms. Plas gt vrything rady and b prsnt at th party on tim.
Thanks. 圣诞前夜,晚上7:00到10:00在学校会议大厅将举行英语晚会。每个小组至少出两个节目。节目内容和形式不限,如演唱英文歌曲,表演英文短剧,用英语讲笑话或故事,朗诵英文诗歌。敬请大家做好准备,准时出席。
谢谢。 Christmas day is coming. W will hold an nglish party on Christmas v in th mting hall of our school. It will bgin at 7:00 and nd at 10:00 in th vning. ach group has to prpar two or thr prformancs. For xampl, singing nglish songs,playing nglish plays, tlling joks or storis in nglish and rading nglish poms. Wlcom to tak part in th party on tim. Thanks. 圣诞节即将来临。圣诞前夕我们将在学校会议厅举行英语晚会。晚会将在晚7:00开始10:00结束。每个小组须准备两个或三个节目。节目内容和形式不限。例如,英文歌曲演唱,表演英文短剧,讲英文笑话或故事,朗诵英文诗歌。欢迎准时参加。谢谢。 通知-Notic 英语作文网为您收集
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