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my holiday

my holidayIt has bn 2 days sinc i didn't com hr and writ my diary.today is th totally holiday for th first tim. i got so much fun.i wnt to mt a frind who i didnt know bfor.sh is my collg's girlfrind in th futur.hh.but unfortunatly, whn w gt thr,sh wasn't thr.w got a littl dprss .

my holiday

I'm rcivd a lot of mssags from many frinds unkonwn.hr,I'm wanna say thanks to all of you and your supporting.bcaus i am lazy, so somtims i cant find th right tim to rad your diarys,and lav som mssag to show my support,hop you will not think m slfish.that's all today.thanks to all of you.

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