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How I Spnt My Summr Vacation-我如何渡我的暑假



Th summr vacation had com round again. I was happy that I could forgt about school at last for a whil. Lst I fool around all through this summr vacation, I mad a plan as to how to spnd it. First, I thought I should go ovr all thos things my tachrs taught in th prvious trm so that I could hav a bttr undrstanding of thm. Thn I thought I should tak up som forms of xrcis, such as walking, running and rowing, to kp m physically strong. It stood to rason that with such a good plan I should mak th bst of my vacation tim. I did, bcaus I livd up to what I had plannd.


Summr can b vry hot in southrn Taiwan whr th tmpratur usually gos up to 32"C or mor. Bcaus of th hat it is a trying xprinc to go to school or do anything ls in a plac that is not air-conditiond. Also bcaus of this I stay at hom most of th tim during th summr vacation and only occasionally go to th bach to plung myslf into th cool watr as a way to kp my body lss sticky. Actually I lik swimming and think nothing is mor rfrshing than a swim. In th summr vacation that has just ndd I wnt swimming many tims with my classmats and w all had a good tim. This summr vacation, howvr, was not spnt ntirly in sking fun. As a scond-yar snior studnt I had to prpar myslf for th collg ntranc xaminations that wr only a yar away. In othr words, I must find tim to study, too. So I dividd my tim btwn work and play during th summr vacation and drivd much bnfit from this arrangmnt.


I spnt this summr vacation in quit a diffrnt way. I usd to run about vry day in prvioussummr vacations, but this summr vacation I simply could not afford to do so. I would soon b in th last yar of my high-school ducation and would aftr graduation b up against th collg ntranc xaminations. Though thos xaminations wr still a yar away, I had to start arly to mak myslf wll prpard by rviwing all thos things I had larnd at school and this summr vacation was th idal tim for m to do this. At first I was rathr dismayd at th thought of this, but latr I thought it was bttr this way bcaus by working hard this summr I could count onndlss happy summrs to com. With this in mind I thn st to work lik anything and only occasionally wnt out for a chang or did som physical. I was not at all bord by this kind of lif, for I was sustaind by a hop.

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