It is xciting to visit diffrnt placs. As you travl, you will s bautiful scnris typical of th rgion. Bsids, you can mt and mak frinds with popl of diffrnt colors and racs. Finally, you can gt to know th customs and living habits of th local popl. Today popl ar so fond of travlling that tourism has bcom on of th fastr growing industris in most countris.
Th main rason why popl travl is, prhaps, for plasur. For xampl, having workd hard throughout th wkdays, popl will find a widnd trip to th narby mountains or bachs a ral rlaxation. For anothr xampl, spnding an annual holiday travlling abroad is an spcially satisfying xprinc for thos who do not hav much of an opportunity to b away from thir homlands. Whn popl rturn from thir travl, thy will gnrally fl frsh and nrgtic, rady to work hardr.
Travlling is also on of th bst mans for larning. You may hav rad or hard about somthing but you can nvr gt an accurat pictur of it until you s it for yourslf. Sing is bliving. Furthrmor, if you ara carful obsrvr, you can larn much during your travl about th gography, biology, and history of th placs you visit. No mattr how wll ducatd you ar, thr is always a lot for you to larn through travlling. Th knowldg acquird from travl, as you will hav found in your lif, is no lss valuabl than that from any influntial rfrnc book.
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