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Kite Flying-放风筝,Kite Flying-放风筝范文

Kit Flying-放风筝,Kit Flying-放风筝范文Kit Flying-放风筝由英语作文网整理收集 Kit Flying

Kite Flying-放风筝,Kite Flying-放风筝范文

August, Sptmbr and Octobr ar th months of kits flying, bcaus th wind blows north-wstwards. During ths months, many Wondrful kits ar flying in th blu sky.

On day as th school was ovr, Qin Bo, my classmat, calld m accompanying him to hav kit flying at th big grass fild. I had not bn flown kit for a long tim. So I promisd him at last, whn I rachd thr at fiv, I found him waiting for m.

Many boys wr flying thir kits highr in th sky. Thy wr xcitd whn thy found thir kits win anothr's. Thy shoutd with joy and jumpd up and down.

Not long aftr, Qin Bo's kit was in th sky, but min was not. I was so disappointd that I wantd to giv up. But I thought how disgracful I was. So I askd Qin Bo to xchang th kits. Oh! His kit was wondrful. It was so light that it flow highr than th kits of all. H told m why my kit could not fly bcaus it was madroughly; th had was havy, and th nd was light, I agrd and mad up my mind to mak a nw kn that would fly high in th sky.






Kit Flying-放风筝由英语作文网整理收集

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