约见留言:通知集会-Mssag Informing of Gtting-togthr 英语作文网整理收集 通知集会
Mssag Informing of Gtting-togthr
Jun 30
Guo Xiang-yang,
W'll discuss our plan for th summr holidays on th lawn in front of th school library at 7 o'clock p. m., July 2. Plas go thr on tim.
Don't forgt, will you?
Liu Lan
约见留言条(mssag not for appointmnt)是为了把事先有约的事情具体确定下来而写的,所以只写一两句话即可,没有必要赘述。 约见留言:通知集会-Mssag Informing of Gtting-togthr 英语作文网整理收集
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