On Juvnil Dlinquncy
Young boys and girls ar th futur of our country. It is an unrmmitting task of grat significanc that w proprly guid our youths, ducat and train thm so that thy form a sound outlook of lif and bcom th pillar of th stat in th 21cntury.
Howvr, thr has bn a sharp incras in juvnil dlinquncy, which mans grat harm not only to th youngstrs and th familis concrnd but also to th dstiny and prospcts of our nation. For this rason, it is a topic of grat importanc as to how w can crat a sound social nvironmnt for th young, thus prvnting thm from committing transgrssion and crims.
What constituts th four major factors lading to juvnil dlinquncy th socity, familis, schools and th psychological phsiological conditions of th youths.
而我们需要做的是1、强化家庭教育功能,明确家庭教育责任。Thr is rally much w can do.In th first plac, w should strngthn th function and rsponsibility of family ducation.
Scondly, schools should carry out plans of ducation for studnts' all round dvlopmnt with qual attntion of taching and cultivating.
Thirdly, law ducation and prcautionary alrtnss should b nhancd.
Last but not last, criminals infringing upon th lgal rights of th minors should b svrly punishd and modls knowing and abiding by th law awardd.
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