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自由梦想-Freedom in my Dream

Frdom in my Dram

自由梦想-Freedom in my Dream


Frdom for many childrn is th coming day whn thy could improv myslf in thir own way to us my 24 hours. Thy can study languag by watching film instad of working on boring grammar and multipl choics. Boys and girls can hav nough tim to do sports to kp halth not going on a dit as a rsult of junk food and a lack of sports causd by too much homwork.

Frdom is as simpl as my playing piano all night without worrying about disturbing my 14-yar-old nighbour who has to go to school th nxt day for my hous is spcially mad.

It also could b frdom in my dram that on day, political dmocracy bcoms tru. Frdom in my lif is th nam of all kindnss and happinss.

Popl hav common dsir undr th sun. For mankind, frdom commonly mans rspct, lov, blssing and dignity. For som popl, frdom is that som day, h can giv up his own intrsts to guarant othrs’ rights. It is no wondr that so many popl fought for frdom vn didn’t hsitat to giv up thir livs whn ncssary .

I would lik to b a frdom fightr for human rights som day in futur.


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