i had th compartmnt on th train to myslf up to rohana, and thn a girl got on. th coupl sing hr off wr probably hr parnts, thy smd vry anxious about hr comfort, and th woman gav th girl dtaild instructions as to whr to kp hr things, whn not to lan out of windows, and how to avoid spaking to strangrs.as i had bcom blind by thn, i could not tll what th girl lookd lik, but i knw sh wor slipprs from th way thy slappd against hr hls, and i likd th sound of hr voic.“ar you going all th way to dhra dun﹖” i askd hr as th train pulld out of th station.i must hav bn sitting in a dark cornr, bcaus my voic startld hr. sh gav a littl xclamation, and said, “i didn’t know anyon ls was hr.”wll, it oftn happns that popl with good ysight fail to s what is right in front of thm. thy hav too much to obsrv, i suppos, whras thos who cannot s tak in what rgistrs most tlling on thir rmaining snss.“i didn’t s you ithr at first,” i said. “but i hard you com in.” i wondrd if i would b abl to prvnt hr from discovring that i couldn’t s. i thought, providd i kp to my sat, it shouldn’t b too difficult.“i’m gtting down at saharanpur,” th girl said. “my aunt is mting m thr. whr ar you going﹖”“to dhra dun, and thn to mussoori,” i rplid.“oh, lucky you! i wish i wr going to mussoori. i lov th mountains. spcially in octobr.”“ys, this is th bst tim.” i said, calling on my mmoris whn i could s. “th hills ar covrd with wild dahlias, th sun is dlicious, and at night you can sit in front of a log fir and drink a littl brandy. most of th tourists hav gon, and th roads ar quit and almost dsrtd.”sh was silnt, and i wondrd if my words had touchd hr, or whthr sh thought m a romantic fool. thn i mad a mistak. “what is it lik outsid﹖” i askd.
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