if you com to an amrican univrsity from anothr country, you will find that your instructors’ writing xpctations c if you com to an amrican univrsity from anothr country, you will find that your instructors’ writing xpctations can oftn b difficult to undrstand. many instructors ar unawar of th diffrncs in th approach to writing that othr nationalitis and culturs hav, and vn if thy wr awar, sl studnts would still b xpctd to writ acadmic ssays in an "amrican" fashion. this handout touchs on som of th basic qualitis of an acadmic ssay writtn in th unitd stats.stat your thsisamrican acadmic ssays ar usually "thsis-drivn." this mans that you as th writr must xplain th main point of your ssay at th start. a thsis statmnt is a sntnc or two that(1) shows th purpos of th ssay(2) indicats th basic componnts of th ssay(3) offrs th uniqu prspctiv of th writrth thsis-drivn ssay may b diffrnt from non-amrican writing forms, in which th thsis is oftn implid, dlayd, or dlivrd at th nd of th ssay. considr th thsis statmnt a concis vrsion of th ntir ssay, which usually appars in th introductory sction of an ssay.
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