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关于五一的-The Holiday of Labors Day

关于五一的-Th Holiday of Labors DayTh Holiday of Labor's Day

关于五一的-The Holiday of Labors Day

I spnt this holiday vry quick, on th 1st May, w wnt to th Zoo, thr wr crowdd thr, so many travlrs coming from all ovr th country to hav som fun during th holidays.On 2nd May, I visitd my rlativs with my parnts, w had a grat lunch togthr, th rsturant wr crowdd as wll.On 3rd May, w wnt to shopping in th mall, aftr th shopping w wnt to watch a nw movi. All th othr days lftI didn't go anywhr, no only bcasu I still hav som homwork,but also thr wr almost all crowdd in vrywhr!

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