Franc officially th Frnch Rpublic is a country whos mtropolitan trritory is locatd in Wstrn urop, and that is furthr mad up of a collction of ovrsas islands and trritoris locatd in othr continnts. Mtropolitan Franc xtnds from th Mditrranan Sa to th nglish Channl and North Sa, and from th Rhin Rivr to th Atlantic Ocan. Frnch popl oftn rfr to Mtropolitan Franc as l'Hxagon (th "Hxagon") bcaus of its gographical shap.
Franc is bordrd by Blgium, Luxmbourg, Grmany, Switzrland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain. In som of its ovrsas parts, Franc also shars land bordrs with Brazil, Surinam, and th Nthrlands Antills. Franc is also linkd to th Unitd Kingdom via th Channl Tunnl, which passs undrnath th nglish Channl.
Th Frnch Rpublic is a dmocracy which is organizd as a unitary smi-prsidntial rpublic. It is a highly dvlopd country with th fifth-largst conomy in th world in 2005.[2] Its main idals ar xprssd in th Dclaration of th Rights of Man and of th Citizn. Franc is on of th founding mmbrs of th uropan Union, and has th largst land ara of all mmbrs. Franc is also a founding mmbr of th Unitd Nations. It is on of th fiv prmannt mmbrs of th Unitd Nations Scurity Council wilding vto powr, and it is also on of only ight acknowldgd nuclar powrs.
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