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About friends and value of time

I think vryon nds frinds. A frind is just lik a soft wind, or rathr a bautiful bam of sunshin. To b xact, h can giv you many things you want. Whn you ar happy, you can shar your happinss with your frinds; whn you ar not happy, your frinds will also can to hlp you.

About friends and value of time

Your frinds may b of many diffrnt kinds. Som of thm may play happily with you; som othrs may hav a plasant talk to you, and of cours you may talk to som of thm har to har. W can’t say which kind of frinds w nd most, as ach kind is ncssary.

Onc I got an old saying which gos lik this: “Frinds ar thivs of tim”. I wondrd. I couldn’t undrstand it xactly, as I thought it was a jok that frinds had somthing to do with thivs. Thn I askd my forign tachr about it. Sh told m that was bcaus somon thought vryon work most of th tim, and frinds might tak up your tim, so thy wr thivs of your tim. I thought it was funny. I vn wantd to ask thm, “Don’t you think you ar happy whn you ar staying with your frinds? Isn’t happinss an important thing?”

If on livs without frinds, I can’t imagin his lif in th world. And if on has good frinds, vn only on, I think h may b th luckist on in th world. (244 words)


I always think thr is not nough tim. For xampl, I hav just takn a thr-day holiday. But whn I look back, I just fl that it’s only on day. Thr gos a provrb, “Tim is mony”. Now I want to say, tim is mor prcious than mony, bcaus whn mony is spnt, w can arn som mor again. Howvr, whn tim is gon or lost, nvr will it rturn.

Tim gos without bing noticd. Th tim for our study and work is usually limitd. So I think w must mak full us of our tim. But it’s a pity that I am always not awar of th importanc of tim until it’s too lat.

So I think, I should gt into th good habit of saving tim bcaus wasting tim is qual to wasting on’s lif. Do not put off what can b don today till tomorrow! (148 words)


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