Computr Gams(电子游戏) 英语作文网收集整理 Computr Gams
Playing computr gams taks th tnagrs too much tim ths days. So I think computr gams should b don away with. Thy ar nothing but a wast of tim, mony and nrgy. Tnagrs should do valuabl things lik rading, studying and going to concrts and musums.
Computr gams ar bad for both th physical and mntal halth of th young.Th computr gams rooms ar vry dark, noisy, and th contnt ar unhalthy and violnt, and so on.
Thrfor, computr gams arcads should b bannd fi'om citis and towns. 电子游戏
因此,电子游戏厅应该从城镇被取缔。 Computr Gams(电子游戏) 英语作文网收集整理
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