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My Favorite Program-我最喜欢的节目

My Favorit Program-我最喜欢的节目 My Favorit Program

My Favorite Program-我最喜欢的节目

Nowadays mor and mor programs ar shown vry day. My favorit program is "Discovry" which is broadcastd by CCTV at 5' clock vry othr aftrnoon, xcpt wknds. Th program provids us with knowldg in natural and scintific aspcts. I lik to know about th scrts of animals and som scintific rsarch. I acquir som knowldg about natur and scinc of th past, prsnt and vn th futur. It is an intrsting as wll as instructiv program. Bsids, th picturs ar vry vivid and bautiful. It' s rally a grat joy to watch it. Ifyou don't bliv what I said, just watch it by yourslf. and thn you will know I am right.



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