A Warm Family-温暖的家庭,A Warm Family-温暖的家庭范文A Warm Family-温暖的家庭 爸爸工作很忙,但他依然不忘陪我。每当他有空,他会帮我一起做功课,节假日带我去公园。我是在父母的爱和呵护下长大的,我爱我温暖的家庭。 My fathr is vry busy, but h dosn't forgt to accompany m. Whn h is fr, h hlps m do my homwork. On holidays h oftn taks m to parks. I grow up with th lov and car of my parnts. I lov my warm farmily. A Warm Family-温暖的家庭
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