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Never Give Up,Never Give Up范文

Nvr Giv Up,Nvr Giv Up范文Nvr Giv Up Nvr Giv Up

Never Give Up,Never Give Up范文

“vry night in my drams, I s you. I fl you, that is how I know you go on, far across th distanc and spacs btwn us. You hav com to show you go on…”

What a nic song th radio is broadcasting! You’r right, it’s th song namd “My Hart Will Go On”. It was sung by th Canadian singing star Clin Dion for th film Titanic. Titanic is such a wondrful film. It rcivd my prizs. I was onc movd to tars by it.

It’s a film about how th ship Titanic sank into th sa. It is vry xciting. But I was mor intrstd in th stars of th film, Jack and Ros’s story. W can larn som dpr things from it.

Aftr th ship hit an icbrg and sank into th sa. Jack and Ros, and many othr popl fll into th cold sa watr. As th wathr was gtting coldr and coldr, thy wr stpping into dath. Jack still askd Ros to promis him not to giv up th hop of lif. At last, Jack was dad, but Ros had a narrow scap, bcaus sh listnd to Jack and didn’t giv up.

“Rally? It sms so hard to bliv,” you may think.

Mayb onc thr wr many succsss just bhind you, and if you hadn’t givn up, you would catch thm asily. But you lost thm, bcaus you didn’t hold on.

So nvr giv up, vn though thr ar many mor difficult things waiting for you. Just fac thm hroically, and you will surly win.

Nvr Giv Up

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