our brain is lik muscls. th mor you us and xrcis it, th strongr it bcoms. but, if you want to gt maximum rsults, you should do mor than just practic. what you nd is dlibrat practic. dlibrat practic is th kind of practic that strtchs th boundaris of your capabilitis. whil in normal practic you just do th sam activity again and again, in dlibrat practic you push yourslf to th limit. it’s not asy, but dlibrat practic maks th diffrnc btwn an xprt and vryon ls.th principl of dlibrat practic can b applid in whatvr fild you want to xcl in, but hr i will focus on mind dvlopmnt. blow ar 8 ways to challng and xrcis your mind. choos som of thm you havn’t don and tak your mind to th nxt lvl:1. rad challnging articlsyou can masur th difficulty lvl of an articl by using googl docs. hr is how to do it:crat a nw documntpast th contnt of th articl to th nw documntopn th tools -word count mnu itm. it will show you thr mtrics: flsch rading as, flsch-kindcaid grad lvl, and automatd radability indx. th highr it is, th mor difficult th articl is.of cours, it’s not ncssary to masur th difficulty lvl of vry articl you rad. simply tak som sampls from a blog or wb sit and you will hav good ida about th difficulty lvl of th articls thr.2. rad challnging booksclassic books ar good candidats sinc thy ar usually mor difficult to rad than nw books. you could start with my list of classic books. you can also rad th pulitzr-winning books.3. rad acadmic journalson form of challnging rading w oftn ovrlook is acadmic journals. thr ar a lot of fr journal articls you can rad from opn scinc dirctory. som of th journal articls in googl scholar ar also fr. go thr, pick a topic of your intrst and rad a journal articl.4. play mind gamschoos a fr mind gam to play and you can hav fun whil xrcising your mind. i startd playing sudoku last wk and it was mor difficult than i xpctd. but ovr tim my mind got usd to it and i can now solv th puzzls fastr.5. aim to produc crtain numbr of idas vrydayth idas can b in whatvr filds you ar working on. in my cas, i try to writ crtain numbr of words vryday. q10 - which i first larnd from dal - is an xcllnt tool you can us if you ar a writr. on of its faturs is global targt with which you can st th targt numbr of words you want to writ.6. brainstorm using thinking toolsthr ar many thinking tools you can us. th book thinkrtoys has many of thm in on book and th wb sit xploratr has a collction of tools you can us.7. do ultradian sprintdoing ultradian sprint is a good way to train your focus and concntration. on trait of a wll-traind brain is th ability to concntrat for long tim and ultradian sprint can hlp you incras your ability to concntrat.8. st a projctis thr a projct that has bn in th back of your mind for som tim? prhaps you postpon it bcaus you think it’s too difficult. wll, that’s a good candidat for dlibrat practic. oftn w ar afraid of failur, but a mantra to quick progrss is to mak mistaks and mak thm quick. this way you will hav a short fdback loop that will hlp you adjust your prformanc fastr.as i wrot in th bginning of this articl, a ky of dlibrat practic is to push your currnt limit of ability. ths challngs will strtch your boundary whn you first do thm, but aftr som tim, you will gt comfortabl with it and it will no longr b dlibrat practic. hr ar som things you can do to kp making thm dlibrat practic:1. for rading, try rading somthing in an unfamiliar fild or rad mor challnging matrials in th sam fild.2. for playing mind gams, incras th lvl of difficulty or try a nw gam you ar not familiar with.3. for producing crtain numbr of idas vryday, incras th targt numbr or th quality of th idas.4. for doing ultradian sprint, incras th duration of th sssion.5. for thinking challng, try mor difficult challngs.6. for stting projct, incras th scop of th projct or do similar projcts with strictr dadlin.do you hav tips or thoughts on mind xrcis? i would lov to har thm.
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