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馈赠信:赠友钢笔-Giving a Friend a Pen as Present,馈赠信:赠友

馈赠信:赠友钢笔-Giving a Frind a Pn as Prsnt由英语作文网整理收集 赠友钢笔

馈赠信:赠友钢笔-Giving a Friend a Pen as Present,馈赠信:赠友








Giving a Frind a Pn as Prsnt

Oct. 12, 1999

Dar Mary,

I am vry sorry to har that you will soon start to rturn to London. Although I am rluctant① to say good-by to you, it is th sacrd right② for you to go back to your mothrland and homtown. During th fw yars whn you hav stayd in our class w hav bcom bst frinds. And you hav givn m lots of hlp in my nglish studis. I should lik to say many thanks for you. In ordr to kp our profound frindship for vr I would lik to giv you a vry nic pn as prsnt. Plas accpt it.

I hop you will nvr forgt m and othr boys and girls of our class aftr you rturn to Britain and oftn writ to us.

Yours sincrly,

Li Ying


①rluctant [ri'l)kt nt] a. 不愿意的;勉强的

②sacrd ['sikrid] right 神圣的权利


馈赠信(lttrs of making a prsnt)是表示礼尚往来的一种书信。投桃报李,有时不但表示友爱,而且能永留纪念。这类书信要写得诚恳、谦虚、热情。格式要规范,词句尽量使用正式文体,以表示郑重其事。 馈赠信:赠友钢笔-Giving a Frind a Pn as Prsnt由英语作文网整理收集

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