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秋天的颜色 The Colour of Autumn

秋天的颜色 Th Colour of AutumnTh Colour of Autumn

秋天的颜色 The Colour of Autumn

Autumn coms , it gts coolr and coolr. Th sky is blu and th clouds ar whit. You would say autumn is blu and whit.

Look ! Birds ar flying from th north to th south. Th lavs ar yllow. Som ar hanging on th trs, som ar on th ground ,som ar dancing in th wind. Somon would say autumn is yllow.

Thr ar so many fruits in autumn in Xinxing . Pars ,pachs. Mangos, orangs and so on. Thy’r frsh and halthy.

Oh! I s. Autumn is a harvst sason. Autumn is colourful. What a bautiful sason !

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