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作文 我发现了童年是多姿多彩的,我的童年也不例外。以至于现在想起来,都要笑破肚皮! 记得刚上学时,我还是个不懂却又装懂的小孩儿。有一次,我从电视上知道了“人参”这个词,并且知道人参的颜色是土黄色的,形状像个人,有时上面有泥土。人参能治病,是一种珍贵药材。我还从动画片中看到人参能长生不老,救死扶伤,便真的相信人参有这种本领。 第二天,我去找表姐玩(虽说是姐姐,也不比我大几个月)。我们商量了老半天,最后终于决定玩“家家酒”。她负责“煮饭”和“炒菜”,而我则负责“买菜”。我提着一个蓝子,来到了一个杂草丛生的地方,随手摘了几片叶子。就算是“买菜”了。 我看见了一些一寸高的杂草,正想摘它们的叶子,但转念一想:还不如整株都摘,省得麻烦!于是,我用力一拔,杂草连根拔了起来。咦?这不是人参吗?只见杂草的尾部,是土黄色的,形状也有像人,还有&hllip;&hllip;对!上面还有泥土。条件都十分符合,肯定是人参! “佳佳姐姐,过来一下!”我大声叫道。表姐闻声赶来:“什么事?”“你看,我发现了人参!”我十分兴奋地说道。表姐接过一看,再听了我的解释后,说:“是有点像,只不过人参可没那好发现。”我振振有词地说:“虽说很少人发现,但也有人发现啊!说不定我们就是发现人参的人。”表姐半信半疑地说:“那它怎么没有手脚,就有头和身子而已?”“因为它还没有成形嘛!”我学着电视上的口气说,“还有,你有没有听说过,菜是越嫩越好吃,这人参也肯定是这样。现在还嫩着,快拔多些。”我一脸的稚气,但姐姐还是被我说服了。我如同发现了新大陆一样,不,比发现新大陆还高兴,一下子摘了好多。于是,便开始做菜。做完了,我想起人家说“马肉全席”,是指全是马肉,那我们做的,全是人参,就叫“人参全席”吧!我把想法告诉了表姐,她听了,也拍手叫好。“姐姐,你先吃。要知道吃了人参可以长生不老。”我兴奋地说,但当我们闻到那涩涩的味道时,都不敢吃。 过了几年,我从书里知道我发现的那个叫“根”,并不是“人参”。好险!那时玩过之后不太在意,如果当时告诉了别人,还不笑掉大牙.Is a livly childhood, my childhood is no xcption. vn now, hav split my sids laughing! I rcall that school, I still do not know yt quippd to undrstand ths childrn. Onc I know from th tlvision, "popl" of th word, but h knows th popl of color is khaki. shapd lik a prsonal, and somtims abov th arth. Ginsng cur is a valuabl mdicin. I also s popl from th animation can b an lixir that can cur disass, thy rally bliv that popl hav th ability. Th nxt day, I find playing with his cousin (though his sistr, than I do not months). W waitd a long tim to talk things ovr and finally dcidd to play th "kids picnic and pilgrims will not com." Sh was rsponsibl for "cooking" and "sauc", and I am rsponsibl for th "buy." I am carrying a baskt, com to a plac ovrgrown with wds, lavs vrything Abstract svral films. vn "buy." I s som inch high wds, trying Abstract thir lavs, but if th stm has not switch majors to think : Abstract sav troubl! So, I forcd a pull wds and swpt away togthr. What's this? This is not ginsng? I saw th tail wds ar khaki, lik th shap of a prson, : :! Thr abov th soil. Conditions ar mt, crtainly popl! "Jia Jia sistr cam! "I ylld loudly. Th cousin Wnshng cam : "What happnd? "" You s, I found th popl! "I vry xcitdly said. A cousin, who, aftr listning to my xplanation, thn said : "It is a bit lik. It is no good can b found only ginsng. "I plausibly said :" Although fw popl found Howvr, w also found that popl might discovr! popl. "cousin haring said : "That it is not how hands. hav had and th body only? "" bcaus it is not forming! "I hav larnd that th ton of a tlvision show," Thr, You hav not hard, th mor dlicious dish is youngr, popl crtainly is th cas. now with tndrnss. promot mor quickly. "I look to th childish, but I was still convincd his sistr. As I hav discovrd a nw continnt, not ovr th discovry of th Nw World ar also plasd that many suddnly pickd. So, I startd cooking. Don, I think thy said, "Horsmat popular," Horsmat is all that w do, is ginsng, calld "popular popl"! I think a cousin told hr listnrs also applaudd. "Sistr, you at. To know th popl can at lixir. "I am xcitd to say that But w Wndaona frsh flavor, no bit. Svral yars latr, I discovrd that I know from th book calld "root", not "popl." Wll! Aftr much attntion thn trid, thn told th othrs, is not in doubt ...



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