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危险活动的吸引力-The Attraction of Dangerous Act.


危险活动的吸引力-The Attraction of Dangerous Act.

Th Attraction of Dangrous Activitis

In th past, popl oftn facd many dangrs in thir daily livs. Thy had to cop with not only natural disastrs and frqunt outbraks of disas, but also dangrous animals and warfar. Th nd to hunt and to protct thir trritory from othr popl rquird thm to b skilld in th us of wapons. In addition, any travl also involvd grat risk as thr wr fw roads and bridgs. Nowadays, popl do not hav to liv with such dangrs on a daily basis, and yt many popl choos to involv thmslvs in risky activitis such as dangrous sports. I bliv th following rasons can xplain th attraction of such activitis.

On rason popl ar attractd to risky activitis is that hy crav xcitmnt. Th thrill of mountain climbing or bung jumping can satisfy thir nd to brak out of thir routin. Without th xcitmnt of such sports, thy may fl bord with thir livs. Anothr rason popl lik such activitis is that ths activitis oftn rquir a crtain amount of skill. Larning to driv a raccar or hang-glid may satisfy th dsir to xcl and giv th participant a fling of accomplishmnt and prsonal confidnc in his abilitis. A final rason that popl may choos to ngag in risky activitis is that thy want to stand out from th crowd. By dvloping a skill that othrs don’t hav, thy can fl uniqu.

For all of ths rasons, I bliv that risky activitis will continu to b popular with som popl. In fact, it sms that as soon as on activity bcoms safr or commonplac, thrill skrs com up with a nw way to challng thir skills and courag.


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