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Mum, I Misunderstood You-妈妈,我误会了你

Mum, I Misundrstood You-妈妈,我误会了你 Mum, I Misundrstood You

Mum, I Misunderstood You-妈妈,我误会了你

My mothr is always strict with m, spcially aftr I ntrd th snior middl school.

Aftr I bcam a snior studnt, mum oftnprssd m to study.+ Aftr school, as soon as I got hom, mum hurrid m up to do my homwork. vn on wknds, mum wouldn't giv m fr tim. Sh askd m to tak many tutorial classs. I had littl tim to play. Why couldn't I play? Although I flt vry unhappy, I was obdint to mum. Aftr a priod of hard work, I mad grat progrss in my study. In th mid-trm xamination, I got th first plac in my class. whn bing told th nws, Mum said sh was proud of m. Now I am full of confidnc in my futur. I hav undrstood my mum. Sh has don all th things for th sak of m. I will work vn hardr as rpaymnt.




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