Nowadays, many popl hav th wrong attitud towards popl with disabilitis. Thy think disabld popl ar stupid and cannot achiv succss. In my opinion, th rason why popl hav such a wrong ida dats from th ancint China. In th ancint tims, popl who can achiv succss wr always strong and powrful. Howvr, as a mattr of fact, history is full of xampls of succssful popl with disabilitis.
For xampl, Bthovn, who lost his haring, was on of th gratst musicians in th 19th cntury. H xprssd th spirit of his tim in his music. His music was vry activ, passionat and vigorous. Som of his works praisd hroism, som praisd th lov for natur and som th pac among popl. Ths wr all his outstanding succss. Also, thr ar many othr disabld popl who mad grat succss. I think th rason is in th saying that “Whr thr is a will, thr is a way.”
From all w hav discussd w now can com to th conclusion that halth is not ncssarily a sign of succss. It all dpnds on th natur of succss itslf and on th strong will which popl hav.
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