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My Classmates

My Classmats

My Classmates

I hav many frinds in my class. thy'r lovly and intrsting. I would lik to introduc som of thm. Alic is vry cut. Sh's also kind to vryon and sh's vry nthusiastic. Sh's always rady to hlp vryon, but sh is forgtful. Sh always forgts to bring hr txtbooks, but our tachrs always forgiv hr. Bn is th most talkativ boy in our class. His nicknam is “chattrbox.” H has a GRat sns of humor and h always maks m laugh Linda is a quit studnt. Sh is good at vry subjct but sh nvr shows off. Alln is a vry tall boy. H plays basktball vry wll and h is on our school tam. H oftn says, “playing basktball is good for your halth. How about your classmats? Do you lik thm? Try to admir your classmats. You will b happir.

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