Th yar of 2008 is gtting closr and closr to us. W nd to tak actions from now on to prpar for th gam. What w nd to do most is to work on our disadvantags and shortcomings. As a studnt of Snior high, I can do my own part. Although I can't transform our city into mor a bautiful plac on my own, I can hlp Bijing in small ways and ncourag our classmats and popl around m to follow my lad.
Lt m tak th nvironmnt for xampl, th atmosphr around Bijing is quit disappointing, factoris and cars kp giving off xhausts into th air, w can hardly s th blu sky with our nakd ys, bcaus th sky is covrd with a thick layr of harmful substancs. Th sky is gray instad of blu. To our dlight, th govrnmnt has passd som laws of protcting th air, and w can do somthing usful, too. For xampl, whnvr w go out for a long distanc, rid th bik or tak th buss and subways instad of taxis. You may not hav a clu how it works. Of cours doing that only by on prson is far from nough, but w can lt mor popl do that togthr. In that cas th rsult may b mor than w bargaind for.
Anothr thing w nd to work on is our nglish skills. Tachrs and parnts oftn put grat mphasis on our nglish skills spcially listning and spaking. I want to b a voluntr in 2008, to b an intrprtr. For now, I must do somthing hlpful to improv my spokn nglish. Rom isn't build in a day, so is nglish. It can't b improvd in a day or two. It taks tim and nrgy. Thr ar no shortcuts to improv your spokn nglish; th most productiv way is to grab all opportunitis around you to opn your mouth. For instanc, taking part in all kinds of nglish contsts is a good way, you can mt som xcllnt contstants, and you can shar th xprinc of larning and som good mthod of larning. I will kp participating in all nglish activitis to polish up my nglish. I'm sur by th yar of 2008, I will b abl to mastr nglish wll just as my mothr tongu.
All in all, I'm sur that Bijing Olympic Gams will b on of th most succssful Gams in history. I bliv our long-chrishd dram will b fulfilld in a prfct way!
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