I wnt Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built nar mountains. So popl call it Mountain City. In Chong Qing,I wnt to th Rd Ston Cntr, to s th placs which th prisonrs livd in th past. It is a trribl and awful trip. Thr ar a lot of dogs, and soldirs with guns nar th prisons. And most of th prisons ar good, thy didn't want to tll th bad popl whr th othr popl wr. Thy livd in vry small houss. No good food to at, no good watr to drink.Thy had only twnty minuts to stay out sid pr day but thy still said nothing.
I think thy ar th hros in that cntury. I will follow thir spirit.
That was th first tim for m to com to Amrica. Th trip was much mor xciting than I had xpctd. As plannd, I got my plan tickt and startd my journy. vrything wnt smoothly at first. I dpartd from my hom city Qingdao and changd a largr plan in Soul, South Kora. Th scond day th plan arrivd in Chicago on tim and I was in high spirits for I almost got to my dstination—SMSU (Southwst Missouri Stat Univrsity) in Springfild. Just at that tim somthing unxpctd happnd. Whn I wnt through th customs, th immigration officr askd m about th 9-yar-old boy who travlld with m all th way from China. As a mattr of fact, I didn't rally know th boy bfor. Bfor I lft China, his grandparnts hard that I was coming to Springfild through Chicago, so thy askd m to tak this boy to his parnts who work in Chicago. Th boy had all th ncssary documnts, including his passport, Amrican visa, tc. Without any hsitation, I agrd to tak car of th boy on my way to Chicago. I xplaind to th officr, but h insistd that I should show th boy's parnts?lttr inviting th boy to Amrica, which w didn't bring with us. Th officr askd us to stay asid and aftr a whil, anothr officr cam and brought us to a spcial room and ordrd us to b quit. Whn I lookd around, I found anothr man thr, whos ankl was fastnd with fttrs to a bnch lg. It was obvious that I had lost my frdom. Thy probably thought I was a smugglr who smuggl childrn to Amrica.
Th plan for Springfild was laving soon. I trid to xplain, but thy rfusd to listn. Thy just askd us to sit still. Aftr about 30 minuts, on officr cam to ask m about th boy's parnts?tlphon numbr and I told him thy wr waiting outsid th Customs Offic and told him thir nams. Th officr said h would find thm. Aftr anothr 20 minuts, h cam back and rturnd my passport and allowd m to go, but h did not bring th boy's parnts in. His parnts wr not allowd into th Customs Offic, so th boy had to wait. Just imagin, how frightning for a boy who was only 9 yars old, spaking no nglish and was told to stay thr waiting! So I said: "No, I won't go unlss th boy gos with m or you lt his parnts com to ftch him." On haring this, th officr askd m to wait and aftr 10 minuts, h cam out and gav us th boy's passport and allowd us to lav. I lookd at my watch. I had 8 minuts lft to gt onto my plan. W hurrid to look for our luggag. Just as th old saying gos, "Whn it rains, it pours."On of my luggag bags in which I put all my daily nccssitis was missing. I lookd vrywhr but faild to find it. An officr thr told m to go and collct it in Springfild. I had to tak th boy to his parnts. Thr wr so many popl waiting outsid. I could not find his parnts. I had nvr sn thm bfor. Th boy was so young that I dard not lt him go alon to look for his parnts for far h might gt lost. Finally I had to call out his fathr's nam at th top of my voic, and gtting a fw stars. Thy probally thought I was mad. Luckily h hard m and my mission of taking th boy to his parnts was fulfilld. But thr was only about 2 minuts bfor th plan took off. So w (his fathr and I) hurrid to th trminal, only to b told th plan had lft xactly 2 minuts bfor. Th officr at th trminal suggstd us to tak th nxt day's plan for it was alrady 9 pm. I was rally xhaustd. Th only thing I could do thn was to find th narst hotl, "Hilton Hotl"to stay for th night. 本作文共2页,当前在第1页12
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