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关系说明:关于记忆-About Memory


关系说明:关于记忆-About Memory








About Mmory

Som popl hav vry good mmory and can asily larn quit long poms by hart. Thr ar othr popl who can only rmmbr things whn thy hav rpatd thm again and again. Th famous nglish writr, Charls Dickns said that h could walk down any long strt in London and thn tll you th nam of vry shop h had passd. Many of th grat mn of th world hav wondrful mmoris.

A good mmory is a hlp in larning a forign languag. vrybody larns his own languag by rmmbring what h hars whn h was a small child, and som childrn----lik boys and girls who liv abroad with thir parnts----sm to larn two languags as asily as on. In school it is not so asy to larn a scond languag bcaus th pupils hav so littl tim for it, and thy ar vry busy with othr subjcts as wll.

A man's mind is rathr lik a camra, but it taks photos not only of what w s but also what w fl, har, smll and tast. Whn w tak a ral photo with a camra, thr is much to do bfor th photo is finishd and is rady for us to show to our frinds. In th sam way thr is much work to b don bfor w can kp a pictur forvr in our minds.

Mmory is th diary w all carry about us. W kp things w hav xprincd in this diary.



Charls Dickns['tM%:lz 'dik+ns]查尔斯·狄更斯,英国作家


本文说明了记忆(力)与学习、工作、成就的关系。前两段用的是事例说明法,虽然没有用衔接词语“for xampl,such as”等,但却举出了英国作家狄更斯和在海外随父母居住的小孩等例子。后两段用类推法说明了记忆与人脑和日记的关系,作者把记忆比做照相机和日记。

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