访友不遇留言:安排工作-Arrangmnt of Work 英语作文网整理 安排工作
Arrangmnt of Work
7:00 p. m., Tusday
Dar Liu Ji,
You'v happnd to b out whn I call on you. I'v somthing urgnt to consult you. Th studnt union informd us that thr will b a singing contst at 7 o'clock on Friday vning nxt wk. Th tim lft for us to prpar is so short that w should dcid on th thr things quickly: i. What songs to sing? ii. Whn shall w practis vry day? iii. Who will b th conductor? Plas think thm ovr yourslf and thn com to my hom as soon as possibl this vning and w'll hav a talk about thm.
Li Wn
访友不遇留言(mssag to on who is out)包括的范围很广:可以是有急事拜访不遇,也可以是无事闲聊拜访不遇。有事时可以把事情写在留言条上让对方作一考虑;也可以只写一句“有要事相商”之类的话,让对方另行等候或主动找你。这种留言条可长可短;句子可以是完整句,也可以是片断句,只要对方能看懂即可。例如,你可以写:“I com, you out. I'll com again, plas wait.”,不必拘泥语法,用词等。 访友不遇留言:安排工作-Arrangmnt of Work 英语作文网整理
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