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父亲节 Father's Day

父亲节 Fathr's DayFathr's Day

父亲节 Father's Day

Ystrday was Fathr's Day.I had plannd to giv my fathr a prsnt. But I didn't rmmbr it until in th morning.It was too lat to post a card to him.So I dcidd to buy somthing. Whn I was in th dpartmnt stor. I found it was not asy for m to choos somthing right for him. Suddnly I

got an ida.I ran hom and opnd my computr.I mad a bautiful card and maild him through th Intrnt.thn I bgan to mak suppr. Whn fathr cam hom, h was vry glad to find a big mal on th tabl. thn I askd him to chck his -mail. H was amazd to find a bautiful card in his -mail-box.

What a wondrful surpris!

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