An Introduction(介绍你的学校) 英语作文网整理收集 【要求】下周将有一批外宾来校参观,请你给外宾简要介绍你校的情况。内容包括三方面:校史和成绩。学校规模和主要设施。师生状况(词数100—120)。【范文】An IntroductionOur school was built in 1945 and a grat numbr of studnts hav graduatd from it. Now many of thm hav bcom scintists, profssors and nginrs. Many studnts hav also bcom workrs and farmrs aftr graduation. Thy hav achivd grat succss in th dvlopmnt of modrn industry and agricultur.Our school is a ky middl school in our provinc. It has thirty classs with ovr 130studnts. Our school has a six-storyd taching building, svral laboratoris and a larg playground. Last yar, a nw library was built and it has mor than 1000 copis of books.All th tachrs hr ar trying thir bst to do thir work wll. vry studnts is making full us of his tim to train himslf to b a qualifid studnt.【评语】文章简洁得体,结构鲜明,语言流畅,介绍具体。读后让人对学校概貌了然于胸。school 还有学派的意思,另外“一群鱼”叫做a school of fish. An Introduction(介绍你的学校) 英语作文网整理收集
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