宣传保护环境 In ordr to protct our nvironmnt from bing pollutd, I will do som publicity with my classmats to xplain th harmfulnss of pollution.Through this popl will b abl to raliz th srious pollution human bings hav mad to th natur and raliz th importanc of a clan nvironmnt. In futur thy will rduc pollution in thir daily lif. 为了保护我们的环境不被污染,我将和我的同学做一些关于污染的宣传。通过宣传人们就会认识到人类对大自然的严重污染并认识到干净环境的重要性。将来他们在日常生活中就会减少污染。 宣传保护环境
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