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互联网-The Internet

Th Intrnt

互联网-The Internet


Th Intrnt xrts a pculiar fascination on a grat many popl. Both th old and th youth can njoy th civilizd comforts which modrn scinc brings to us. It rally adds color to th dull routin of vryday lif.

Thr is no doubt that for th youth th Intrnt is an important tool for study. Nothing can b compard with its convnint opration, high spd and varid information rsourcs. As long as you click what you nd, you’ll gt a larg numbr of information pickd out in such a short tim. Bsids outputting th information, at th sam tim, yon can input your own works and snd thm to th Intrnt. In this way you can hav mor opportunitis to shar th trmndous spiritual xcitmnt with th ons who hav common goals. By comparison, th youth prfr to spnd th long and frindlss vnings in front of th computr—it srs to b th only form of ntrtainmnt. Thy hav a varity of xprincs: from th chat to th lov onlin from th ntwork gam to th ntwork crim. Prhaps thy hav ld th cultural trnd of th ntwork, and thy ar th spradr of th Intrnt cultur.

Th old, howvr, somtims imagin .th Intrnt to b a sort of plac full of mystry. Thy oftn faild to undrstand how th ‘nt’ works. On thing is crtain, howvr, thy always go into rapturs at th mr mntion th Intrnt. Thy ar forvr talking with a proud about how skilld thir grandsons oprat th computr and surf th Intrnt, or th fantastic th Intrnt trip thy wnt on thir own ----aftr that, thy nvr forgt to list th privilg of modrn scinc on by on, and mak a conclusion that how fast th scinc and tchnology dvlopd.

No on can avoid bing influncd by modrn scinc and tchnology. Mayb w can us our intllignc to mak mor discovris and crat mor invntions aiming at influncing mor popl.

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