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一次活动(an Events)

一次活动(an vnts)in ordr to mak our city clanr and mor bautiful, th young voluntrs of our school wnt to th popl's park this morning and offrd our hlp.at ight, th had of th park mt us at th gat. aftr bing dividd into groups, w st out to work at onc. som tidid up th parking ara and had motorbiks paikd in th right plac. som took car of th flowrs and bushs, and prsuadd popl to kp off th grass. around th tigr dn, on group kpt ordr to prvnt accidnts from happning. at th aquarium, anothr group workd as guids and advisd visitors not to smok. whn som of us wr doing claning, an old man praisd us and said, "wll don, young fllows!"w wr all tird but happy. what a morning w had today

一次活动(an Events)


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