what ar th good piuts or sid offcts onlin larningWhat ar th good parts or sid ffcts of onlin larning?
Think about it. How is having a tachr bttr than a wbsit? What is th disadvantag of a tachr?
On sid ffct of onlin larning is that popl gt lazy and just copy work and don't larn anything. Howvr if popl rsarch information proprly and ar kn to larn thn th walth of information on th intrnt bcoms vry valuabl. A tachr may b bttr to ask qustions and gt immdiat rsponss and xplain parts you don't undrstand, howvr mayb you ar afraid to ask th tachr qustions or you ar in a big class and th tachr dosn't hav nough tim, on th intrnt you can b anonymous and ask any qustion you lik without bing mbarrassd...
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