Th happy 40 minuts,Th happy 40 minuts范文Th happy 40 minuts Fbruary 24 was a fin day. W hld a vry happy class activity. Th titl of th class activity was ‘Th story happnd in th wintr holiday ’.
At th vry bginning, th comprs told us to play a gam. For boys, playd ‘push-up’. For girls, two girls stood back to back, put th arm chiasms, thy should touch othr’s hands. If th girl and th boy don’t pass th gam, h or sh should tll a story which happnd during th wintr holiday.
Many studnts didn’t pass th gam but luckily my companion and I passd th gam.
Somon said‘I wnt to th Nanjing. I saw many Chins lamps and I saw th snow and mad a snowman, I was vry happy thr .’
Somon said ‘I wnt to th Shantang Strt and had many Chins snacks. Thy wr so dlicious.’
Somon said ‘I took part in th school activity with my frinds. I larnt a lot about th social.’
Th classroom was full of happinss. At last w surprisd that our tachr Mr.Pan playd this gam too. Th studnt bcam so xcitd, many of thm wnt to th tachrs’ dsk to s Mr.pan did push-up.
During th 40 minuts, w hav larnt w should xrcis mor, to kp hathy and fl th lov of th class.
How happy th 40 minuts wr! Do you think so? Th happy 40 minuts
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