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Youthful Times,Youthful Times范文

Youthful Tims,Youthful Tims范文Youthful Tims Tim flis whn w ar having fun is an old xprssion. W know, as w rminisc of our past, tim flis rgardlss.

Youthful Times,Youthful Times范文

As w grow byond our tnag. W rmmbr th tims of fun w had whn w wr young, whn w wr in primary school. W had littl concrn, littl rsponsibilitis. W all rmmbr chasing our frinds in catch, snaking around in hid-and-sk and th fun in th playground.

As w grow with tim, our livs bcom filld with strss and worris. It is in ths tims w rmmbr what w had, what w took for grantd. As w do so, w look forward to what w can achiv and what w will s of ourslvs yars down th tracks. Youthful Tims

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