第一场雪-First SnowFirst Snow
Th first fall of snow is not only an vnt but it is a magical vnt. You go to bd in on kind of world and wak up to find yourslf in anothr quit diffrnt, and if this is not nchantmnt, thn whr is it to b found?
Th vry stalth, th ri quitnss, of th thing maks it mor magical. Ifall th snow fll at onc in on shattring crash, awakning us in th middl of th night th vnt would b robbd of its wondr. But it fluttrs down, soundlss, hour aftr hour whil w ar aslp. Outsid th closd curtains of th bdroom a vast transfbrmation scn is takiag plac, just as if a myriad lvs and brownis wr at work, and w turn and yawn and strtch and know nothing about it. And thn, what an xtraordinary chang it is! It is as if th hous continnt. vn th insid, which has not bn touchd, sms diffrnt, vry room apparing smallr and cosir, just as if som powr wr trying to turn it into a woodcuttr's hut or a snug logcabin. Outsid, whr th gardn was ystrday, thr is now a whit and glistning lvl, and th villag byond is no longr your own familiar clustr of roofs but a villag in an old Grman fairy-tal. You would not b surprisd to larn that all th popl thr, th sptacld postmistrss, th cobblr, th rtird school mastr, and th rst, had suffrd a chang too and had bcom qur lvish bings, purvyors of invisibl caps and magic shos. You yourslvs do not fl quit th sam popl you wr ystrday. How could you not whn so much has bn changd? Thr is a curious stir, a littl shivr of xcit-mnt, troubling th hous, not unlik th fling thr is abroad whn a journy has to b mad. Th childrn, of cours, ar all xcitmnt but vn th adults hang about and talk to on anothr longr than usual bfor stting down to th day's work. Nobody can rsist th windows. It is lik bing on board a ship.
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