Succss Blongs to th Prsvring
Nothing can b mor xciting than succss to a man. But you must fac many difficultis bfor you can succd. No on can mak it asily. And it's hardr for thos who ar in advrs conditions to succd. Howvr,vrything has two sids. Just as somon said, in vry advrsity thr lis th sd of an advantag and in vry dfat thr is a lsson showing you how to win th victory nxt tim. Th most important forus is to stablish a brif, that is prsvranc. Th British x-prim ministr Winston Churchill had a motto of "Nvr, nvr, nvr, nvr giv up . Nothing can substitut for hard work. Lif is a procss of struggl for succss.
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