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ThLovlttr(迟到的情书) I was always a littl in aw of Grat-aunt Stphina Roos. Indd, as childrn w wr all frankly trrifid of hr. Th fact that sh did not liv with th family, prfrring hr tiny cottag and solitud to th comfortabl but rathr noisy houshold whr w wr brought up-addd to th rspctful far in which sh was hld.我对斯蒂菲娜老姑总是怀着敬畏之情。说实在话,我们几个孩子对她都怕得要死。她不和家人一块生活,宁愿住在她的小屋子里,而不愿住在舒舒服服、热热闹闹的家里--我们六个孩子都是在家里带大的--这更加重了我们对她的敬畏之情。 W usd to tak it in turn to carry small dlicacis which my mothr had mad down from th big hous to th littl cottag whr Aunt Stphia and an old colord maid spnt thir days. Old Tnat Sanna would opn th door to th rathr frightnd littl mssngr and would ushr him-or hr - into th dark voor-kamr, whr th shuttrs wr always closd to kp out th hat and th flis. Thr w would wait, in trmbling but not altogthr unplasant.我们经常轮替着从我们住的大房子里带些母亲为她做的可口的食品到她和一名黑人女仆一块过活的那间小屋里去。桑娜老姨总是为每一个上门来的怯生生的小使者打开房门,将他或她领进昏暗的客厅。那里的百叶窗长年关闭着,以防热气和苍蝇进去。我们总是在那里哆哆嗦嗦、但又不是耆桓咝说氐茸潘沟俜颇壤瞎贸隼础?/P> Sh was a tiny littl woman to inspir so much vnration. Sh was always drssd in black, and hr dark cloths mltd into th shadows of th voor-kamr and mad hr look smallr than vr. But you flt. Th momnt sh ntrd. That somthing vital and strong and somhow indstructibl had com in with hr, although sh movd slowly, and hr voic was swt and soft.一个像她那样身材纤细的女人居然能赢得我们如此尊敬。她总是身穿黑色衣服,与客厅里的阴暗背景融成一体,将她的身材衬托得更加娇小。但她一进门,我们就感到有一种说不清道不明、充满活力和刚强的气氛,尽管她的步子慢悠、声调甜柔。Sh nvr mbracd us. Sh would grt us and tak out hot littl hands in hr own bautiful cool on, with blu vins standing out on th back of it, as though th whit skin wr almost too dlicat to contain thm.她从不拥抱我们,但总是和我们寒暄,将我们热乎乎的小手握在她那双秀美清爽的手里,她的手背上露出一些青筋,就像手上白嫩的皮肤细薄得遮不住它们似的。


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