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Chinese New Year!

Chins Nw Yar!1.Chins Nw Yar

Chinese New Year!

Chins Nw Yar is coming and my family is vry busy. It's bcaus Chins Nw Yar is vry spcial and important. W must prpar many spcial things to gt rady for this fstival.

First, will mak a big Nw Yar mal. Scond, w will mak “Good-luck wishs.” Third, w will st off fircrackrs. Nw Yar mal is dlicious and w think that ating som will bring us good luck. A long tim ago, Chins popl blivd rd color could bring our good luck too. And w st off fircrackrs could frightn ghosts away.

Chins Nw Yar is vry popular btwn studnts. Bcaus w can hav a long happy holiday.


Whr's my dram

It's to visit Tian'anmn Squar in Bijing

in a sunny summr morning

Oh,what's Bijing

Is sh a young lady

who is taching th chldrn to sing

bfor th building

What's th building

It's th Grat Hall of th Popl

on of th most famous placs in Bijing

I hop my dram will com tru tomorrow morning

Lt's go thr,singing and dancing

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