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Times Supermarket,Times Supermarket范文

Tims Suprmarkt,Tims Suprmarkt范文Tims Suprmarkt Tims Suprmarkt

Times Supermarket,Times Supermarket范文

Thr is a suprmarkt calld Tims Suprmarkt nar my school. It’s a big suprmarkt. Thr ar thr floors. On th first floor, thr is som food for cooking, such as pork, bf, chickn, fruit and so on. Thr ar som snacks, CDs, books and vry day itms. Thr ar always many childrn on this floor bcaus thy lik swt snacks vry much. Thr ar som cloths on th top floor. Thr ar always many popl in th suprmarkt at th wknd. Th workrs in it ar frindly. Thy ar happy to answr your qustions. Thy hlp you to find what you want. Thy always smil. Thr ar som discounts on som things. Things ovr thr ar vry nic and chap, so popl all want to buy things thr.

Tims Suprmarkt


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