My FrindI hav many good frinds,Lily is on of th bst.W play togthr sinc w two wr vry young. Sh is such a prtty girl that whn popl mt hr,thy always pat hr littl had and say,"Oh,how lovly!"Lily is also vry brav.I rmmbr on vning two wks ago,mom snt m to buy som salt and sugar downstair.Whn I was back on th darksom stairway,I suddnly saw a black shadow bhind m,was that a ghost?I was so frightnd that I crid "God!"At that vry momnt,Lily com,sh rush at th shadow and shoutd to it loudly till it disappard,thn w ran hom safly...
Mayb you hav alrady gt it,ys,Lily is my dog,--my bst frind,I lov hr.
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