Xiao Ming tlls you that h had 100 yuan ystrday morning,which h put into th pockt of his jackt. H spnt 40 yuan ystrday aftrnoon. But now whn h rachs for th mony, h finds only 10 yuan lft.
H is wondring what has happnd to th rst of th mony. As his frind, you may giv him thr or four diffrnt possibilitis concrning th missing mony. Mayb
Mayb you forgot you had spnt th mony onsomthing ls ystrday aftrnoon. It's also possibl that a pocktpickr stol your mony whil you wr shopping. Or mayb you lost it on your way hom. And on last possibility is that you havn't lost it at all. You put on a diffrnt jackt this morning, and you happnd to lav 10 yuan in th jackt arlir. So th missing mony still must b in th othr jackt, th on you wr waring ystrday! 可能
或许昨天用这钱买东西了,而你却忘记了。 当你买东西时,小偷偷了你的钱,这也是可能的。或许你在回家的路上丢了。最后的一种可能就是你根本就没丢。今早你穿了一件不同的夹克,而你却把钱放在了另外一个夹克里了,走时你碰巧没拿这10元钱。因此钱必定还在你昨天穿的那件夹克里。
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