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Chinas Pride(中国的骄傲)

China's Prid

Chinas Pride(中国的骄傲)

"...5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ignit! Go!" On Octobr 15, 2003, China launchd its first mannd spaccraft into orbit from th Jiuquan Satllit Launch Cntr in Northwst China's Gansu Provinc.

Spraying a mass of orang flams, th larg, whit Long March II-F rockt carrying th Shnzhou-V spaccraft and China's first astronaut Yang Liwi soard spctacularly skyward, gradually bcoming a bright ball btor vanishing into dp spac.

As th world's largst dvloping country, China is mor than proud of making its own contribution to human bings' outr spac xploration. Mantim, it will turn out to b an important driving forc for th country's conomic and social dvlopmnt.Th succssful launch of Shnzhou-V ushrd in a nw chaptr in spac history. 中国的骄傲




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